Do you have older community members who don’t know how to use their phones or other digital technology?
Do your staff spend their time showing people how to use simple things on their phone?
Eastwood Community Centre through the Be Connected Program can help remove that burden by offering free digital support training to your staff, volunteers and community members. Funding from this program is available to train individuals of all ages interested in helping older people (aged over 50) to use digital technology.
You may have staff or volunteers within your centre or community that may like some additional skills to help people over 50 with their mobile phones, iPads, tablets or laptops.
As a Digital Support Buddy (or Digital Mentor) they would work within your community as either part of their work role, as a volunteer or just to support their parents or grandparents in your local community.
The training available is not to train people to be experts, rather to equip your volunteers, staff or community members, with the skills to identify resources, deal with some of the objections that older people may have with regard to utlising technology, how to inspire them and to discover more about the Be Connected Learning Portal.
The Be Connected Learning Portal has a wide range of free learning materials and resources to support digital mentors & community members.
This service may be an addition to your programs which you may like to offer at your organisation or the free training being a way of providing some additional skills development for your volunteers or staff member
Eastwood Community Centre have been providing Digital Mentor training to groups for four years and have trained over 200 digital mentors across the State.
The Capacity Building grant and training program is created by Good Things Foundation Australia and available to community organisations in Australia through the Be Connected program.
Contact the Centre on 8373 2225 to book a digital mentor training session for your organisation.